Tagged: financial services


Warid Launches LTE Services in Murree

Customers to enjoy 7 days free trails, 500 MB internet Warid Telecom, Pakistan’s largest and fastest growing LTE network, today announced the launch of its LTE services in Murree.  Having covered eight major cities,...


ICAP-CFO Conference 2015 Held in Karachi

The first-segment of the CFO Conference 2015 organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) concluded in Karachi yesterday with financial experts stressing on the importance of good governance and excellence through...


Mobicash to Disburse Bait-ul-Mal Payments

Mobicash has signed an agreement to disburse payments on behalf of Pakistan Bait ul Mal Child Support Programme (CSP). Under the project, Mobicash will make disbursements to more than 40,000 CSP beneficiaries across the country....