Telenor Group Survey: Pakistan’s Millennials Assess Future Careers, Digital Technology Impact and Robotic Replacement Risk

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Telenor Group today released the results of a pilot online survey across six nations in Asia, including Pakistan, assessing millennials’ attitudes about their future career, technology’s impact and the skills they need to be best prepared for the jobs of tomorrow. The results indicate that Pakistan’s and Asia’s young adults embrace the importance of technology yet see career success as requiring both technical and human skills. Results show a strong enthusiasm for digital jobs, even with 100% of respondents saying robots in the workplace will be a part of our future.

The multi-market ‘Jobs of the Future’ survey obtained 4,200 respondents aged 15 to 25, in Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh Singapore, Malaysia and India. It was conducted via targeting through the Telenor Group Facebook with a sample size of 700 secondary school, or university students per market used in the results analysis.

“Our Facebook channel reaches an active, young – and largely Asian – following, so we felt that this would be a great place to pilot such a survey,” said Sheena Lim, Director of Social Media, Telenor Group. “We thought this would combine the fun, engaging side of social media surveys with potentially interesting insights into Asian youth attitudes on technology and their future careers.”

“It gives me great pleasure to learn that a majority of Pakistan’s youth is excited about future opportunities in the internet and digital sectors. Although not a revelation per se, the stats are supportive of our commitment to a larger digital inclusion in the country,” said Irfan Wahab Khan, CEO Telenor Pakistan, commenting on the findings. “With its ambition of becoming Pakistan’s favorite digital lifestyle partner, Telenor Pakistan will continue to make inroads into the technology arena creating programs like Telenor Velocity, djuice Apportunity and Telenor Youth Forum to support and expedite the country’s digital ecosystem development,” he added.

Pakistan’s youth: Digital technology key to future careers
In Pakistan, 68% of millennials said they were ‘excited’ about future opportunities in the internet and digital sectors, with the largest majority (33%) saying they were ‘extremely excited.’  They also mirrored the average of 63% of youth aggregated in all six nations saying that mobile/internet technology will be ‘important’ in their career by 2020.  Indicating just how important youth in Pakistan think it is, only one percent said that technology is ‘not really important’ for their futures – the lowest of all countries surveyed.


Build human skills, too

The surveyed youth in all but one of the countries agreed that non-technical skills will also be important for jobs of the future. The highest numbers of Pakistani (37%), Indian (36%), and Bangladeshi youth (34%) maintained that the most important skills to a great future jobs will be the ‘ability to inspire others, and leadership capability.’ More than one in four of the surveyed Singaporean youth regard ‘people management and emotional intelligence’ (27%). Nearly one in three Myanmar youth leaned toward ‘creativity, cognitive flexibility’ (29%). The standout in this category was Malaysia, where 24% of the surveyed stated that tech-related ‘mobile and web development, and super coding skills,’ were the most important. The skills that Pakistani millennials rated as the least important future job skills are: data analysis, research and interpretation (12%).



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